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Showing posts from 2011

The REDK Theme

As strictly PS Clan and a little free time of my hand I decided to to put a little theme together! its far from finish but I think its going to look awesome when its complete and here is version 1.0 Its a compilation of all the Die Hard REDK's To Install You will need a Flash Drive Create Folder PS3 inside Create another one name THEME and copy the downloaded file Enjoy! Please leave comments! :D

Utopia Gamez Flyers

Utopia Gamez, One of  my friends business which is a arcade studio that seem to fully support Microsoft Xbox 360 and have no Playstation in shop what so ever! Which you know me fully support!  But these Design was all His Idea, His arrangements and style. The only problem was that it was strictly white! So you see the problem so he wanted a little colour in it so thats what i did, told him to stop working in WORD!!! and use photoshop but He don't want to listen, So as all photoshop user know this is rather easy to be done Just duplicate the layer, Create another, place your gradient, overlay and voila! your done but of course i did a little more with the Green on and the Red too but that was too pixelated due to the bmp file i was give so i played with both and here it is Love the Green! Reds too Pixelly :D

New REDK Banner

This is the new banner I just did for the clan, Idea was given by tactical ninja a clan member he had a really good ideas so i worked on it and produced this..... Design was done in CS5 Photoshop could have done a little more but was retrain by the time and really wanted something up there you can view post on

Sasuke Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan

Sasuke Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan He has grown in power from using his brother all powerfull eye, Love seeing the mere power and strengths of the Red form, dont really like the black and white version so i did this Hope you all like it!  Design was done vector based CS5.5 Illustrator some Photoshop effects 

The Free Time Flow

Welcome to Pit! When everything was just as unbelievable and out of reach, the lost cause, black hole, Bermuda triangle, The Point where art seems to take shape and form Vivid Expression which hold a certain meaning of purpose to some one or something, Each one hold a certain value or Level  

Older Designs Dating Back 1 -2 Years ago

These are two logo out of many, which I seem to can't find the remain files that i created in my earlier years in Photoshop due to the fact I was never playing attention to backing up and file management  these design was done around 2-3 years ago. There design was based on Nothing! No Idea, theme was given so I just Created one; The 1st One was based on my friend Singing Career so I sorta just Made one for him, Design was ok love the simplicity  of the Art Second was based on my brother part time career of repairing and business transaction he need receipts and Company name So i developed that for him, Both logo holds the same aspect of art, the simplicity of the design Both Design was Completed in CS4 PhotoShop

The Red Knights Clan

  The Red Knights   The Red knights Clan Logo  was created approximately 1 1/2 years ago due to My wonderful clan the REDK its a little rough but what the hell its unadulterated, Idea was created rather rough, first couple image had no taste but thanks to the wonder leader mike he gave wonderful ideas, So don't forget the tags REDK and we game hard and for fun,  Design was done in Photoshop CS4 No Vector was used sadly mainly the pen tools and images like the Assassin Creed Sword and M4 was gotten from the Internet Hopefully i won't be sued. 

Saskue Mangekyou Sharingan

This was one of my first project in adobe this was suppose to be a Sasuke Mangekyou Sharingan its Ok details are a little sketchy but it was good. Edit this graphic in the future so look out for the next on  Design was based on  Sasuke Sharingan, was designed in Adobe Photoshop CS4 No Vectors 

Gears Pro

The GearsPro is another corner of my brain, something that i wanted to place on paper or lets say my computer monitor. Design was given by my brother who is sorta full of idea but have great deal against copyright laws, Design was based on the fact of a games concerning the PSN and XBL the great joining! This is a vector based design rather simple with a little gradient mesh Font is GAS MASK and Final Product of the Design is in the Showing

The Closet Geeks

After Years of thought and various question about how the design should look, I decide that i was going to use my own design that was stucked in the far corners of the brain ;) Finishing Touches can be completed But there it is, Design is Completely vector based! Everything was designed by our truly