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Showing posts from August, 2011

Older Designs Dating Back 1 -2 Years ago

These are two logo out of many, which I seem to can't find the remain files that i created in my earlier years in Photoshop due to the fact I was never playing attention to backing up and file management  these design was done around 2-3 years ago. There design was based on Nothing! No Idea, theme was given so I just Created one; The 1st One was based on my friend Singing Career so I sorta just Made one for him, Design was ok love the simplicity  of the Art Second was based on my brother part time career of repairing and business transaction he need receipts and Company name So i developed that for him, Both logo holds the same aspect of art, the simplicity of the design Both Design was Completed in CS4 PhotoShop

The Red Knights Clan

  The Red Knights   The Red knights Clan Logo  was created approximately 1 1/2 years ago due to My wonderful clan the REDK its a little rough but what the hell its unadulterated, Idea was created rather rough, first couple image had no taste but thanks to the wonder leader mike he gave wonderful ideas, So don't forget the tags REDK and we game hard and for fun,  Design was done in Photoshop CS4 No Vector was used sadly mainly the pen tools and images like the Assassin Creed Sword and M4 was gotten from the Internet Hopefully i won't be sued.